Caselaw Digest
Caselaw Digest

Thomas Hadley v Mateusz Przybylo

[2023] EWHC 1392 (KB)
A court case involved a big legal bill. The lawyers wanted to charge for attending meetings about the injured person's recovery. The judge said that wasn't allowed because it didn't help move the case along, even though it was helpful for the injured person. The judge used a special way of solving disputes between lawyers (ADR) which helped mostly solve the problems, except for this issue.

Key Facts

  • Costs budgeting in a complex personal injury claim exceeding £1m.
  • Dispute over the inclusion of solicitor attendance time at case management meetings with medical professionals and deputies in the costs budget.
  • Claimant argued that such attendance is necessary to maintain the Schedule of Loss and is common practice.
  • Defendant argued that such attendance is not progressive of litigation and should be inadmissible.
  • Lack of relevant authority on the specific issue.
  • Parties engaged in ADR, resolving most budget issues except the one in question.

Legal Principles

Costs in litigation are legal costs incurred in progressing the litigation.

Judge's interpretation

Costs which are inherently non-progressive are not properly claimable in a budget.

Judge's interpretation

To be included in a budget, costs must materially progress the case.

Judge's interpretation

The Issues and Statements of Case phase in a budget includes work relating to the preparation of the Claim Form, Particulars of Claim, issue and service of proceedings, consideration of the Defendant’s statements of case, preparation of the Schedule of Loss, and conferences with counsel.

Precedent H Guidance, Practice Direction 3D


Solicitor attendance time at case management meetings with medical professionals and deputies is not a claimable cost in the budget.

Such attendance does not materially progress the litigation. It is not inherently progressive; information can be obtained through other means, such as letters or document disclosure. While collaboration on rehabilitation is important (Rehabilitation Code), lawyer attendance at these meetings is not a litigation cost.

£20,000 allowed for the Issues and Statements of Case phase as a whole.

This reflects the judge's disallowance of the contested costs.

If such costs were allowable, a separate phase should be added to incorporate them.

This would allow for clearer categorization and budgeting of such specific costs.

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