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N (Children: Revocation of Placement Orders), Re

[2023] EWCA Civ 1352
A mom tried to get her kids back from foster care, saying she'd changed. The judge said she had improved, but the kids need a permanent home *now*, and waiting longer would hurt them more. So the kids will stay on track for adoption.

Key Facts

  • Appeal by mother against dismissal of application to discharge placement orders and for an independent social worker assessment.
  • Two children, aged 7 and 5, in foster care since February 2021 due to domestic abuse by the father and the mother's failure to protect them.
  • Placement orders made in December 2021; prospective adopters identified in October 2022.
  • Mother made significant life changes since placement orders, but children are nearing adoption.
  • Four-day hearing on mother's application to revoke placement orders; Recorder rejected the application and the request for further assessment.
  • Appeal argues insufficient evidence, flawed assessment, and improper rejection of adjournment request.

Legal Principles

Court may revoke placement order; leave required for applicants other than the local authority; leave granted if sufficient change of circumstances and in child's best interest.

Section 24(1), (2), (3) Adoption and Children Act 2002

Once leave granted, revocation decision is a welfare decision under Section 1 of the 2002 Act.

Section 1(7)(a) Adoption and Children Act 2002

Principles governing applications to revoke placement orders; considering all realistic options and the impact of delay on the child's welfare.

In re C (Children) (Placement Order: Revocation) [2020] EWCA Civ 1598

Legal burden of proof rests with the applicant to show revocation is in the child's best interest; court considers whether the placement order still meets stringent conditions.

Re C

Evidence at revocation hearing differs in quantity and focus from original proceedings; focus on events since placement order and future prospects.

Decision to discharge a placement order is as serious as making one; delay prejudices child welfare.

Re H (Children: Placement Orders) [2023] EWCA Civ 1245

Risk assessment should focus on type of harm, likelihood, consequences, and mitigation options.

Re F (A Child) (Placement Order: Proportionality) [2018] EWCA Civ 2761


Appeal dismissed.

Recorder's decision was open to him; mother's progress acknowledged but insufficient to meet children's urgent need for a permanent home; further delay would cause significant harm to children.

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