T (A Child) (No.2) (Transparency: Publication of the Party’s Names), Re
[2024] EWHC 161 (Fam)
Balancing of Article 8 (right to private and family life) and Article 10 (freedom of expression) rights.
Open justice principle.
Common law
Children's best interests are paramount.
Children Act 1989
Weight to be given to children's wishes and feelings.
Children Act 1989
Section 97 CA 1989: prohibits identifying a child unless their welfare requires it.
Children Act 1989, s.97
Presidential Guidance on publication of judgments (Sir James Munby and Sir Andrew McFarlane).
Practice Guidance, Transparency in the Family Courts
Appeal will succeed if judge erred in principle or reached a conclusion outside a reasonable range.
PNM v Times Newspapers Ltd [2014] EWCA Civ 1132
Appeal allowed; publication order set aside.
The court found that the judge did not adequately assess the potential harm to the children from delayed publication, and that several factors supporting publication were weak. The court was not able to predict the effects on the children in 2026.
New order substituted: father granted liberty to apply for publication after T's 18th birthday.
This allows the father to assert his Article 10 rights while acknowledging potential opposition from the children.