Caselaw Digest
Caselaw Digest

R v Adil Riaz

[2023] EWCA Crim 1292
A man was sentenced to 24 years in prison for serious crimes involving drugs and weapons. He tried to appeal his sentence, but the court said the sentence was fair considering how serious his crimes were. There were a few small corrections made to the official paperwork.

Key Facts

  • Adil Riaz (33) pleaded guilty to offences across three indictments.
  • Indictment 1: Drug conspiracy (Class A, 284kg cocaine, £2.9 million), handling criminal property.
  • Indictment 2: Possession of a prohibited firearm, robbery (2 counts), dangerous driving, driving while disqualified.
  • Indictment 3: Possession of a prohibited weapon (9mm AR-15 assault rifle), possession of an explosive substance (IED grenades).
  • Initial pleas varied across indictments, eventually pleading guilty to all charges.
  • Original sentence: 24 years imprisonment (concurrent and consecutive sentences across indictments), 14-year driving ban.

Legal Principles

Sentencing Guidelines for Supply of Class A Drugs

Sentencing Guideline

Sentencing Guideline for Street and Less Serious Commercial Robberies

Sentencing Guideline

Sentencing Guideline for Transfer of Prohibited Weapons

Sentencing Guideline

Principle of Totality

Sentencing Principles

Section 11(3) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968

Criminal Appeal Act 1968

Section 36 of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988

Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988

Sections 35A and 35B of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988

Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988

Section 244ZA of the Criminal Justice Act 2003

Criminal Justice Act 2003

R v Needham [2016] EWCA Crim 455

Case Law


Appeal refused.

The court found the sentence, while substantial, was not manifestly excessive given the severity and scale of the crimes and that the principle of totality was adequately considered. The reduction for guilty pleas was noted. Amendments to the trial record sheet regarding driving offences and sentencing concurrency were ordered, but others were not due to Section 11(3) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968.

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