Caselaw Digest
Caselaw Digest

R v John Hassall

[2024] EWCA Crim 274
John Hassall was jailed for 12.5 years for drug dealing. The appeals court said this sentence was fair, rejecting his arguments that it was too harsh or that he hadn't been treated fairly compared to others.

Key Facts

  • John Hassall was sentenced to 12 years and 6 months' imprisonment for offering to supply 8.25 kilos of cocaine (lead offence), concurrently with 8 years for supplying heroin and 4 years and 9 months for offering to supply cannabis.
  • Hassall acted as a broker, directing and organising drug sales on a commercial scale.
  • He pleaded guilty, receiving a 20% sentence reduction.
  • The judge considered the cocaine offence as Category 1 (starting point 14 years, range 12-16 years) based on the quantity involved.
  • The judge also considered the cannabis offence and adjusted the sentence upwards to reflect the overall offending.
  • The appeal challenged the sentence's excessiveness, the classification of Hassall's role, the harm categorization, and sentence disparity with other offenders.

Legal Principles

Sentencing guidelines for drug offences (Class A and B) in the UK.

Sentencing Council guidelines

Determination of a defendant's role in drug trafficking (leading role vs. significant role).

Case law precedent (implied)

Considerations for sentencing, including harm caused, mitigating factors (guilty plea), and aggravating factors (previous convictions).

Case law precedent (implied)

Principle of proportionality in sentencing.

Case law precedent (implied)


Appeal refused.

The Court of Appeal found the judge's sentencing approach to be correct in principle and just and proportionate, rejecting arguments regarding the role classification, harm categorization, and sentence disparity.

Extension of time granted for filing the renewed application for leave to appeal.

The delay was due to the applicant's prison transfer.

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