Caselaw Digest
Caselaw Digest

R v Keeyan Thompson

[2023] EWCA Crim 953
A teenager was given a long sentence for robbing people on buses. The court decided the sentence was too long because they hadn't properly considered his age and the fact that he pleaded guilty. They reduced his sentence significantly.

Key Facts

  • Keevan Thompson (appellant), aged 18, pleaded guilty to six counts of robbery and one count of attempted robbery.
  • Offences involved robberies on buses, targeting young people and adults, with some victims subjected to physical assault.
  • Appellant had nine previous convictions for 20 offences, including robbery.
  • Recorder Broadfoot KC imposed an extended sentence of seven years (four and a half years' custody and two and a half years' extension).
  • Appellant was 17 at the time of the offences.

Legal Principles

Sentencing guidelines for robbery, considering aggravating factors (group activity, vulnerability of victims, planning).

Sentencing guideline for robbery, category 2(b)

Sentencing of children and young people, considering age at the time of the offence and the date of sentencing.

Guidelines on sentencing children and young people, paragraph 6

Reduction in sentence for guilty plea, considering circumstances affecting the timing of the plea.

Definitive Guideline, Reduction in Sentence for a Guilty Plea, section F1, p.7


Appeal allowed.

Insufficient account was taken of the appellant's age at the time of the offences and his personal mitigation; the discount for his guilty pleas was insufficient.

Original sentences quashed.

Court substituted sentences of three years in custody on all counts concurrent, reflecting appropriate discounts for age and plea.

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