A man was convicted of wounding someone. He tried to appeal, claiming his lawyer was bad, the police were unfair, and evidence was mishandled. The court didn't believe him and said there were no good reasons to overturn the conviction.
Key Facts
- •Max Perry Manus Prior was convicted of wounding with intent on 25 March 2022.
- •He was sentenced to an extended sentence of 8 years (6 years custodial and 2 years' further licence).
- •The incident involved hitting a victim in the face with a glass in a public house on 14 October 2021.
- •The applicant claimed self-defence.
- •The applicant applied for an extension of time to appeal his conviction and for leave to appeal.
Legal Principles
Application for extension of time and leave to appeal refused.
The Court found no arguable grounds of appeal. Each of the applicant's grounds were addressed and dismissed as either factually incorrect, irrelevant, or based on misunderstandings.