A man was convicted of serious child sex abuse and given a life sentence. He tried to appeal, arguing various points, but the Court of Appeal rejected his appeal, stating the conviction and sentence were justified and there were no legal errors.
Key Facts
- •Applicant convicted of multiple child sex offences including rape, sexual assault, and attempted rape.
- •Offences involved sustained abuse of his own children over a decade.
- •Applicant sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 22 years.
- •Applicant applied for an extension of time to appeal conviction and sentence.
- •Application included leave to call a witness and a representation order.
- •Application was refused by the single judge and subsequently by the Court of Appeal.
Legal Principles
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1992: Reporting restrictions apply to prevent identification of victims of sexual offences.
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1992
Application for extension of time to appeal refused.
Grounds of appeal lacked merit; Recorder's approach was faultless; sentence was merited; no errors in legal process.
Appeal against conviction refused.
Conviction supported by direct evidence from victims; no errors in trial conduct.
Appeal against sentence refused.
Sentence proportionate to the gravity and scale of the offending; Applicant's arguments regarding pre-sentence report, lack of previous convictions, mental health issues, and alleged bias were rejected.