Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v X & Anor
[2023] EWCOP 34
Best interests determination under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Mental Capacity Act 2005, sections 4 and 15(1)(c)
Withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment; considering patient's welfare in the widest sense (medical, social, psychological).
Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v James [2013] UKSC 67
Guidance on withdrawing life-sustaining treatment in adult patients.
PL v Sutton CCH and others [2017] EWCOP 22
Strong presumption in favour of preserving life; this can be rebutted by evidence that continued treatment is contrary to best interests.
Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v James [2013] UKSC 67
The court granted the application.
The court found that continuing life-sustaining treatment was futile and not in XY's best interests, given the irreversible brain damage and lack of any prospect of recovery. The family's hopes for a miracle were weighed against the overwhelming medical evidence.
[2023] EWCOP 34
[2024] EWCOP 52 (T3)
[2024] EWCOP 37 (T3)
[2024] EWCOP 31 (T3)
[2024] EWCOP 3