North East London NHS Foundation Trust v Beatrice (No 2)
[2023] EWCOP 60
Best interests of the protected person
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Articles 3 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights
European Convention on Human Rights
Refusal to order nasogastric feeding under restraint at this time.
Balancing the preservation of life with Patricia's autonomy and the potential for further harm from forced feeding; considering her recent improvement in calorie intake and the lack of a comprehensive risk assessment; believing that compulsion has not worked in the past and will likely not work now.
Determination that Patricia likely lacks capacity to make decisions regarding medical treatment.
Based on the lack of expert evidence regarding Patricia's capacity, the judge proceeded under section 48 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
[2023] EWCOP 60
[2023] EWCOP 17
[2023] EWCOP 22
[2023] EWCOP 47
[2024] EWCOP 3