R v Marcus Taylor
[2024] EWCA Crim 615
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1992 provisions regarding victim anonymity.
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1992
Sentencing guidelines for sexual offences, including harm levels and culpability factors.
Sexual Offences: Definitive Guideline (effective from 1 April 2014)
Sentencing Act 2020, s.60(2) and s.60(4) regarding the duty to follow sentencing guidelines and category ranges.
Sentencing Act 2020
Sentencing Act 2020, s.280(1)(c) regarding extended sentences for dangerous offenders.
Sentencing Act 2020
Appeal allowed. Original sentence of 17 years quashed.
The court found the original sentence manifestly excessive. The judge incorrectly placed the offending into harm level 1 and did not sufficiently adjust the sentence downwards to reflect the attempted nature of the rape.
Sentence substituted with an extended sentence of 15 years (8 years custody, 7 years extended licence).
The court determined the appropriate sentence before plea discount was 10 years, resulting in an 8-year custodial sentence after a 20% discount for plea. The extended sentence was deemed necessary due to the appellant's dangerousness.