Caselaw Digest
Caselaw Digest

Mary Louise Charlotte Backstrom v Martin Carl Simon Wennberg

[2023] EWFC 79
A wealthy wife and her husband divorced. The husband didn't cooperate, so the judge mostly followed their pre-nuptial agreement, giving the husband money for housing and a bit of extra cash to help him get back on his feet, but not half of the wife's fortune.

Key Facts

  • Final hearing of cross-applications for financial remedies orders between Mary Louise Backstrom (Wife) and Martin Wennberg (Husband).
  • Parties entered into multiple marital agreements (Swedish cohabitation agreement, agreement disapplying community of property, English pre-nuptial agreement, and English post-nuptial agreement).
  • Wife's assets: £250 million.
  • Husband's assets undisclosed; Wife estimates at least £2.5 million based on available information.
  • Husband failed to provide financial disclosure and comply with court orders, resulting in findings of contempt of court.
  • Husband did not attend the final hearing.
  • Wife's open offer included £6.5 million housing fund, £50,000 annual child maintenance.
  • Husband's open offer sought 50% of Property B (£42.5 million), £30,000 monthly child maintenance, and £20,000 monthly spousal maintenance.

Legal Principles

Weight given to marital agreements; fairness considerations; needs, compensation, and sharing.

Radmacher v Granatino [2010] UKSC 42; Brock v Brock [2018] EWCA Civ 2862; CMX v EJX [2022] EWFC 136; WC v HC [2022] EWFC 22; Cummins v Fawn [2023] EWHC 830 (Fam)

Dealing with non-disclosure; drawing adverse inferences.

Moher v Moher [2019] EWCA Civ 1482

Child maintenance assessment; considering pre-marital agreements; standard of living.

Collardeau-Fuchs v Fuchs [2022] EWFC 135; Re Z (No.4) [2023] EWFC 25; James v Seymour [2023] EWHC 844 (Fam)


Marital agreements given full weight; Husband's claims for spousal maintenance largely rejected.

No vitiating factors; Husband failed to provide evidence; not a sharing case; Husband's assets and income potential considered.

Housing fund of £6.5 million awarded to Husband.

To meet Husband's and child's housing needs during child's minority; consistent with pre-nuptial agreement.

Capitalised spousal maintenance of £350,000 awarded.

To assist Husband's career development and transition to financial independence; acknowledges high standard of living during marriage.

Child maintenance of £120,000 per year awarded.

Based on assessment of child's needs and standard of living; considers Wife's offer and Husband's limited disclosure.

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