Key Facts
- •Care proceedings concerning a baby girl, C, born in January 2024.
- •Sheffield City Council sought a final care order with a plan for adoption.
- •Parents opposed the application, seeking an adjournment to improve living conditions.
- •Children's Guardian supported the local authority's application.
- •Parents had a history of alcohol and drug abuse, domestic violence, and inconsistent engagement with social services.
- •Previous care proceedings involving the parents' older children resulted in special guardianship orders.
- •Assessments indicated insufficient change in parents' capacity to care for C safely.
- •No suitable alternative carers were identified.
Legal Principles
Welfare of the child is paramount.
Children Act 1989, section 1(2)
Adoption is a last resort.
Re B (A Child) [2013] UKSC 33
Least interventionist approach should be adopted.
Children Act 1989, section 1(5) and section 1(3)(g); Adoption and Children Act 2002, section 1(6)
Court must dispense with parental consent for a placement order if child's welfare requires it.
Adoption and Children Act 2002, section 52(1)(b)
Burden of proof in care proceedings lies with the local authority (balance of probabilities).
A Local Authority v (1) A Mother (2) A Father (3) L & M [2013] EWHC 1569 (Fam)
Test for adjournment: Is there solid evidence-based reason to believe the parent is committed to, and able to maintain, necessary changes within the child's timetable?
Re S (A Child) [2014] EWCC B44 (Fam); S-L (Children: Adjournment) [2019] EWCA Civ 1571
Final care order granted.
Parents' inability to meet C's needs safely due to ongoing risks and insufficient change.
Placement order granted.
Adoption is in C's best interests; no other realistic option; parental consent dispensed with.