Lee Lockerbie appealed a decision not to give him a driving instructor licence. He failed his driving test again, making the appeal pointless. He didn't respond to a request to drop the appeal, so the court dropped it.
Key Facts
- •Lee Lockerbie appealed the Registrar of Approved Driving Instructors' decision not to grant him a third trainee licence under s.129 of the Road Traffic Act 2024.
- •The appeal was based on the claim that the decision did not adequately consider factors impacting his training.
- •Lockerbie failed his Part 3 test for the third time on 10 November 2023, resulting in his trainee licence being revoked.
- •The Respondent (Registrar) applied to strike out the appeal.
- •The Appellant (Lockerbie) did not respond to the Tribunal's notification of the strike-out application.
Legal Principles
Section 129 of the Road Traffic Act 2024 governs the granting of trainee driving instructor licenses.
Road Traffic Act 2024
The Appellant's appeal was struck out.
The Appellant failed to respond to the Respondent's application to strike out the appeal, and the appeal became moot due to the revocation of his trainee licence following a failed driving test.