Caselaw Digest
Caselaw Digest

Lifelinked Ltd v The Pension Regulator

[2024] UKFTT 887 (GRC)
A company withdrew its appeal to a tribunal because it couldn't afford a lawyer. The tribunal let them try to get the decision changed if they wanted to by a certain date. Even though you don't need a lawyer, the company could have asked the tribunal for help if they wanted to proceed without one.

Key Facts

  • Appeal withdrawn by Lifelinked Ltd.
  • Withdrawal due to inability to afford legal representation.
  • Appeal heard at the First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber), Pensions.
  • Decision made without a hearing.
  • Decision given on 7 October 2024.

Legal Principles

Parties are not required to have legal representation.

Tribunal's decision

Parties can apply for reconsideration of decisions made in their absence.

Tribunal rules


Appeal withdrawn.

Appellant requested withdrawal due to financial constraints related to legal representation.

Permission granted for application to reconsider.

Decision made in the absence of parties.

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