A company missed the deadline to appeal a fine. They said they were waiting for information, but the judge said that wasn't a good enough reason, so the appeal was rejected.
Key Facts
- •Orange Fisher Limited appealed a fixed penalty notice from The Pensions Regulator.
- •The appeal was received 28 days after the 28-day deadline for appeal.
- •The appellant claimed the delay was due to requesting and receiving proof from a previous pension provider after the deadline, and subsequent advice to appeal via the First-tier Tribunal.
- •The decision letter clearly stated the 28-day appeal deadline.
Legal Principles
Time limits for appeals must be adhered to.
Pensions Regulation
The Tribunal must consider the overriding objective, including efficient litigation and proportionate costs, and enforcement of procedural rules.
UKFTT rules of procedure
The Tribunal refused to extend the time limit for the notice of appeal.
The delay was significant, the reason for the delay was not considered sufficient, and it was not in the interests of justice to grant an extension.
The notice of appeal was not admitted.
The time limit for appealing was missed and no good reason for the delay was provided.