Stephen John Gullick v The Information Commissioner
[2023] UKFTT 985 (GRC)
FOIA Section 1(1)(a): Right to be informed whether a public authority holds information of the description specified in the request.
Freedom of Information Act 2000
FOIA Section 40(2): Exemption for personal data where disclosure would contravene data protection principles.
Freedom of Information Act 2000
GDPR Article 6(1)(f): Processing of personal data is lawful if necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller.
General Data Protection Regulation
GDPR: Consent must be freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous.
General Data Protection Regulation
Sufficient Search under FOIA: The scope, quality, and thoroughness of searches must be sufficient to conclude whether information is held.
Bromley v IC and Environment Agency EA/2006/0072
Interpretation of FOIA requests: An objective reading of the request in light of relevant background facts.
Department for Culture, Media and Sport v IC
Appeal allowed in part.
The ICO's search for information regarding internal discussions (part ii) was deemed insufficient. The ICO's application of section 40(2) to parts (i) and (iii) was upheld due to lack of prior consent and the balancing of interests.
Substitute Decision Notice issued.
The ICO must undertake a fresh search for minutes or internal correspondence related to the section 50(2) decision against Dransfield (part ii).
[2023] UKFTT 985 (GRC)
[2024] UKFTT 483 (GRC)
[2024] UKFTT 805 (GRC)
[2023] UKFTT 828 (GRC)
[2023] UKFTT 846 (GRC)