A driving instructor's trainee licence expired. He appealed, but the court said the law clearly states the licence only lasts two years, so his appeal was dismissed.
Key Facts
- •Valentin Muresan appealed a DVSA decision regarding the expiry of his driving instructor trainee licence.
- •Muresan's Part 1 test passed on June 6, 2022, and his trainee licence expired two years later on June 6, 2024.
- •The DVSA revoked his right to give driving instruction on July 8, 2024.
- •Muresan's appeal was considered to have no reasonable prospects of success.
Legal Principles
Regulation 14(b) of the Motor Cars (Driving Instruction) Regulations 2005 stipulates that a trainee licence remains in force for 2 years after passing the Part 1 test.
Motor Cars (Driving Instruction) Regulations 2005
Tribunal Rule 8(3)(c) allows for striking out an appeal with no reasonable prospects of success.
The Tribunal Procedure (First-tier Tribunal) (General Regulatory Chamber) Rules 2009
The appeal was struck out.
The appeal had no reasonable prospects of success because the two-year period for the trainee licence is fixed by law and had expired. An extension was not possible.