Key Facts
- •Mr. Henley appealed a closure notice disallowing trading losses carried back to 2009/10.
- •The appeal hinges on whether HMRC can deny the carry-back after issuing a closure notice.
- •Similar issues are raised in High Court proceedings ('Parallel Proceedings') seeking declaratory relief.
- •Mr. Henley applied for a stay of proceedings pending the High Court's decision.
- •Mr. Henley's argument relies on the Court of Appeal decision in R (oao Derry) v HMRC ('Derry Ground 2').
- •HMRC argued the tax exclusivity principle and the relevance of R (oao de Silva) v HMRC.
Legal Principles
Tax exclusivity principle: Tax disputes should be resolved through the statutory appeal process, not the High Court, unless the Tribunal lacks jurisdiction.
Autologic Holdings plc and others v IRC [2005] UKHL 54
Rules governing submission of tax returns, HMRC's ability to enquire into returns, and the finality of tax positions if HMRC doesn't enquire in time.
R (oao Derry) v HMRC [2017] EWCA Civ 435, [2019] UKSC 19
Tribunal's power to stay proceedings considering the overriding objective (proportionality, avoiding delay) and the potential material assistance from another court's decision.
Badzyan v HMRC [2017] UKFTT 0439 (TC), Coast Telecom Limited v HMRC [2012] UK FTT 307 (TC), Revenue and Customs Commissioners v RBS Deutschland Holdings GmbH [2007] STC 814
The FTT has jurisdiction over procedural issues concerning closure notices.
Knibbs v HMRC [2019] EWCA Civ 1719
Application for a stay of proceedings dismissed.
The appeal involves a technical dispute within the Tribunal's jurisdiction. Staying proceedings would be an abuse of process, delaying resolution of a matter Parliament assigned to the Tribunal. The High Court proceedings may raise broader issues beyond the scope of this appeal.