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Banner Universal Motion Pictures Limited v Wiggin LLP & Anor

[2024] EWHC 656 (Ch)
A company sued its former solicitors, claiming they mishandled a previous case. The judge threw out the lawsuit, saying the company's claims were baseless, it was wasting everyone's time, and it was too late to bring the case anyway. The company also has to pay the solicitors' legal fees.

Key Facts

  • Banner Universal Motion Pictures Limited (BUMP) sued Wiggin LLP and Fox Williams LLP for professional negligence.
  • BUMP's previous claim against a Swedish TV company for copyright infringement, breach of confidence, and passing off was dismissed by Snowden J.
  • BUMP alleged Fox Williams failed to present key evidence, including the "Links Evidence", "Read Your Fortune" document, and a news story about "Clash of the Choirs."
  • BUMP alleged Wiggin withheld downloaded documents from BUMP's website.
  • BUMP sought £55 million in damages from both defendants.
  • The defendants applied for summary dismissal of BUMP's claims.

Legal Principles

Summary Judgment

CPR 24.2

Strike Out

CPR 3.4(2)

Copyright Infringement

Snowden J's judgment, Copinger and Skone James on Copyright (18th ed)

Breach of Confidence

OBG Ltd v Allan, Matalia v Warwickshire County Council, Snowden J's judgment

Professional Negligence

Various case law (implicitly discussed)


Various case law (implicitly discussed)

Abuse of Process

Henderson v Henderson, Cleeves v University of Oxford, Snowden J's judgment


Limitation Act 1980, Holt v Holley and Steer Solicitors

Duty of Solicitor to Opposing Party

Al-Kandari v Brown, NRAM v Steel


Claims against Fox Williams LLP dismissed.

Claims lacked merit, were an abuse of process, and were time-barred. The alleged breaches of duty did not cause loss, and the evidence was irrelevant.

Claims against Wiggin LLP dismissed.

No duty of care was owed to BUMP. The alleged breaches did not cause loss, and the claims were an abuse of process and time-barred. The evidence was irrelevant.

Costs awarded to defendants on the indemnity basis.

Claims were wholly without merit, abusive, and contained wide-ranging, unevidenced allegations.

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