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HRH Prince Hussam Bin Saud Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud v Mobile Telecommunications Company KSCP

A company wants to bankrupt a prince. The prince says he doesn't live in the UK. The judge says, even though he doesn't live there all the time, he had a place he could stay, and that's enough to let the bankruptcy case go forward.

Key Facts

  • MTC presented a bankruptcy petition against HRH Prince Hussam bin Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (Debtor) for debts arising from arbitration awards.
  • The Debtor resides in Saudi Arabia and challenged the court's jurisdiction under section 265 of the Insolvency Act 1986.
  • The key issue is whether the Debtor had a place of residence in England and Wales between 1 June 2019 and 1 June 2022.
  • The Debtor's mother owned an apartment (York House) in London where the Debtor stayed during his studies and occasionally thereafter.
  • The Debtor's use of York House was infrequent in the relevant period due to his appointment as governor in Saudi Arabia and a prison sentence in England.
  • The Debtor was registered for Council Tax at York House until December 2019.

Legal Principles

A bankruptcy petition may be presented if the debtor had a place of residence in England and Wales within three years of the petition.

Insolvency Act 1986, section 265(2)(b)(i)

The standard of proof for service out of jurisdiction is a 'good arguable case', not the balance of probabilities.

Brownlie v Four Seasons Holdings Inc. [2017] UKSC 80

Having a place of residence is a de facto situation, not solely a matter of legal right.

Skjevesland v Geveran Trading Co Ltd (No 4) [2003] BCC 391; In re Brauch [1978] Ch 316

A moral claim to premises may be sufficient for establishing a place of residence.

Skjevesland v Geveran Trading Co Ltd (No 4) [2003] BCC 391

The court must consider all the facts and circumstances to determine whether a debtor had a place of residence.

In re Brauch [1978] Ch 316; various subsequent cases

The concept of 'place of residence' requires a degree of permanence, continuity, or expectation of continuity.

Lakatamia Shipping Co Ltd v Su [2021] Bus LR 1285


The 2022 Set Aside Application was dismissed.

The court found that MTC had established a good arguable case that the Debtor had a place of residence in England and Wales during the relevant period, based on his long-standing connection with York House and ongoing permission to use it, despite infrequent stays.

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