Hayman-Joyce Property Limited v Hayman-Joyce Broadway LLP & Anor
[2023] EWHC 1028 (IPEC)
Trademark infringement under sections 10(1), 10(2), and 10(3) of the Trade Marks Act 1994 (TMA).
Trade Marks Act 1994
Passing off.
Common Law
Trademark validity under sections 3 and 47 of the TMA.
Trade Marks Act 1994
Trademark revocation under section 46 of the TMA.
Trade Marks Act 1994
Interpretation of the TMA in light of the Trade Marks Recast Directive EU 2015/2436 and relevant case law.
EU Law (pre-Brexit)
Domestic statutory interpretation principles as per R(PRCBC) v SSHD [2023] AC 255 (SC).
R(PRCBC) v SSHD [2023] AC 255 (SC)
Google France v Louis Vuitton principles regarding keyword use in trademark infringement.
Google France v Louis Vuitton
Interflora v Marks & Spencer principles regarding keyword use and likelihood of confusion.
Interflora v Marks & Spencer
Principles of passing off as per Reckitt & Colman v Borden.
Reckitt & Colman v Borden
Damages for trademark infringement under the Intellectual Property (Enforcement) Regulations 2006.
Intellectual Property (Enforcement) Regulations 2006
Trademark infringement was found.
GI Outsourcing's use of 'advancetrack' as a keyword and in its Ad Text, even unintentionally, created a likelihood of confusion and adversely affected AdvanceTrack's trademark.
Passing off was found.
AdvanceTrack established goodwill and reputation, GI Outsourcing's actions caused misrepresentation leading to confusion, and AdvanceTrack suffered damage.
GI Outsourcing's counterclaim for trademark invalidity was dismissed.
AdvanceTrack's trademark was not deemed descriptive or customary in the trade.
Partial revocation of AdvanceTrack's trademark was ordered.
AdvanceTrack had not genuinely used its trademark in classes 42 and 45.
[2023] EWHC 1028 (IPEC)
[2024] EWHC 2990 (Ch)
[2024] EWHC 257 (Ch)
[2023] EWCA Civ 1247
[2024] EWHC 1430 (IPEC)