Caselaw Digest
Caselaw Digest

Kigen (UK) Limited v Thales Dis France SA & Anor

[2023] EWHC 369 (Pat)
Two companies argued about how much their lawyers should cost. The judge mostly sided with one company (Thales), but said he needed more information before deciding who pays for the argument about the lawyer's costs.

Key Facts

  • Application to approve or revise Stage 1 Costs Budgets.
  • Defendants' application for permission to rely on amended costs budget.
  • Claimant: Kigen (UK) Limited
  • Defendants: Thales DIS France SA & Thales DIS France SAS
  • Substantial sums at stake.
  • Disputes regarding the reasonableness and proportionality of costs budgets.
  • Issue regarding a fixed fee arrangement between Thales and its solicitors.

Legal Principles

Reasonableness and proportionality of costs budgets.

CPR Part 44.3(5) and 44.4(3); PD3E paragraph 5

Court's discretion in costs budgeting, particularly in complex commercial disputes.

CPR Part 44


Defendants' Amended Costs Budget Application granted.

Application unopposed; prompt correction of errors; Defendants to bear costs of rectifying errors.

Kigen's Stage 1 Costs Budget approved at Thales's proposed amount (excluding an error).

Thales's offered amount deemed generous; considering the complexity and sums involved, a lighter touch approach adopted.

Thales's Stage 1 Costs Budget approved.

Kigen's objections addressed and dismissed; Thales's figures significantly lower than Kigen's.

Thales's retainer with solicitors not ordered to be disclosed.

No properly formulated application from Kigen.

Costs of the Stage 1 Costs Budgets Application to be decided after further submissions.

Judge's provisional view and need for further submissions.

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