Key Facts
- •KP, an 18-year-old with autism and an extremely low IQ (63), lived with her mother (J) and her mother's partner (D), a convicted sex offender.
- •D has a history of possessing indecent images of children and breaching his Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO).
- •KP has a history of self-harm, suicide attempts, and absconding from care placements.
- •The Local Authority and Official Solicitor raised concerns about KP's vulnerability and the risk of exploitation by D.
- •KP initially denied any abuse but later made disclosures suggesting possible grooming by D.
Legal Principles
Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA): A person lacks capacity if unable to make a decision due to an impairment of, or disturbance in the functioning of, the mind or brain.
MCA s.2(1)
MCA s.1: Principles of capacity assessment, including the presumption of capacity, taking all practicable steps to help a person make a decision, and acting in the best interests of a person lacking capacity.
MCA s.1
MCA s.3: Four elements of capacity: understanding relevant information, retaining information, using/weighing information, and communicating a decision.
MCA s.3(1)
MCA Code of Practice: Guidance on providing relevant information for capacity assessments, including the nature of the decision, reasons, and likely effects.
MCA Code of Practice para 4.16
Inherent jurisdiction of the High Court: Power to protect vulnerable adults whose decision-making has been unlawfully interfered with.
DL v A Local Authority & Ors [2012] EWCA Civ 253
Court of Protection's power to grant injunctive relief to support best interests decisions.
Re SF (Injunctive Relief) [2020] EWCOP 19; Re G (Court of Protection: Injunction) [2022] EWCA Civ 1312
Best interests decision-making requires consideration of available options.
N v A CCG and others [2017] UKSC 22
Interim declarations that KP lacks capacity to make decisions about residence with D and contact with D.
KP's inability to understand the risks posed by D due to her cognitive impairments and D's influence.
Orders for weekly meetings between KP and a Local Authority representative, alternating between a neutral location and J's home, with J and D excluded.
To monitor KP's safety and well-being while exploring long-term solutions.
D is made a party to the proceedings.
To ensure fairness and allow him to respond to any future applications affecting him.
Local Authority to prepare a plan to support KP's safety while she remains at J's house.
Due to lack of alternative suitable accommodation and the need for a practical approach.