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RG v TA (Appeal: Legal services funding order: Schedule 1 Children Act 1989)

[2023] EWHC 3155 (Fam)
A dad needed money for a lawyer to fight for his kids. A judge said no, but a higher judge said yes, because the mom might get a lot of money soon and should help the dad get a lawyer too. The higher judge said the mom has to share some money she gets from a friend with the dad if she does.

Key Facts

  • RG (father) appeals a Family Court decision denying his legal costs funding order against TA (mother) for ongoing Children Act 1989 proceedings.
  • Proceedings concern child contact arrangements and the father's Schedule 1 Children Act 1989 claim for financial provision.
  • The mother alleges serious abuse and the father's contact is supervised pending a fact-finding hearing.
  • The father claims a vast financial disparity, citing the mother's family wealth, although much is illiquid due to ongoing European tax litigation.
  • The mother's disclosed income is £100,000 gross annually, but she claims significant expenses and insufficient funds for a contribution.
  • The father's application primarily focused on the anticipated repayment of a £145,000 loan to the mother by PP.
  • The judge dismissed the application, finding insufficient evidence of the father exhausting other funding avenues and the mother's financial vulnerability.

Legal Principles

Permission to appeal granted if a real prospect of success or compelling reason.

Part 30 FPR 2010, r.30.3(7)(a) and (b)

Court slow to interfere with fact-finding unless demonstrably wrong or the process defective.

AA v NA [2010] EWHC 1282 (Fam)

Appeal court reviews lower court's decision for errors of law, insufficient material, exceeding discretion, or procedural irregularity.

FPR r. 30.12(3)(a) and (b); Re W [2007] EWCA Civ 786

Applicant for costs allowance must show inability to procure legal services by other means, including asset deployment or loans.

Currey v Currey (No 2) [2006] EWCA Civ 1338

Court can make robust assumptions about ability to pay if disclosure is deficient; considers historical support from outsiders; cautiously assesses doubtful claims; ensures payment is necessary for appropriate legal services.

Rubin v Rubin [2014] EWHC 611 (Fam)


Appeal granted; original application allowed.

Judge failed to give sufficient weight to Rubin guidance, didn't adequately consider reasonableness of father's funding efforts, and ignored potential PP loan repayment.

50% of PP loan repayment (if received) to be paid to father's solicitors for costs.

Prioritizes fact-finding hearing representation; this is the only viable resource; balances father's need with mother's.

No rehearing; stay on Schedule 1 directions lifted.

Disproportionate use of resources; prioritizes fact-finding hearing; limited available assets.

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