Key Facts
- •Social Work England (SWE) sought a 9-month extension to an Interim Conditions of Practice Order (iCOPO) against Susan Hunn.
- •The iCOPO was initially imposed on 30 April 2021 and extended for 12 months on 25 October 2022.
- •The allegations against Hunn concern serious matters involving fundamental aspects of social work practice in 2019.
- •Hunn did not appear or participate in the hearing.
- •The final hearing is scheduled for 13 May 2024 to 24 May 2024.
Legal Principles
Necessity for the protection of the public and public interest, including public confidence, to extend an iCOPO.
Schedule 2 §14 to the Social Workers Regulations 2018
Guidance on extending interim orders.
GMC v Hiew [2007] EWCA Civ 369
Open justice and prior notice to parties for non-party applications to obtain documents (CPR 5.4C(2)).
CPR 5.4C(2)
Restriction on access to claim form, judgment, or order (CPR 5.4C(4)).
CPR 5.4C(4)
The iCOPO is extended by 9 months until 27 July 2024.
SWE demonstrated the necessity for the extension to protect the public and maintain public confidence. The prejudice from the ongoing iCOPO is outweighed by public interest.
The iCOPO will be reviewed in accordance with Schedule 2 Part 4 Paragraph 14(1) to the Social Workers Regulations 2018.
Standard procedure for iCOPO review.
Non-party applications for documents require 14 days' notice to the parties.
To ensure open justice and allow parties to respond.
No order as to costs.
Not specified in the judgment.