Key Facts
- •Three appeals against extradition to Turkey were heard.
- •The main issue was whether extradition would breach Article 3 ECHR (inhuman or degrading treatment) due to prison conditions.
- •Turkey provided a "Yalvac assurance" promising specific prison conditions.
- •The appeals involved conviction warrants (Demir, Sahin) and an accusation warrant (Uckac).
- •Evidence on Turkish prison conditions included reports from Professor Morgan and Dr. Karakas, and UNCAT concluding observations.
- •Evidence showed breaches of the Yalvac assurance in previous cases.
- •Fresh evidence was admitted, including UNCAT observations and a judgment in a similar case (McCarthy).
Legal Principles
Article 3 ECHR prohibits inhuman or degrading treatment.
European Convention on Human Rights
Dual criminality: Extradition is barred if the conduct is not criminal under UK law.
Extradition Act 2003, sections 78(4)(b), 138
Proportionality under Article 8 ECHR: Extradition must be proportionate to the public interest.
European Convention on Human Rights, Article 8
Assessment of assurances: Courts assess whether assurances mitigate risks, considering their practical and legal effect.
Othman v United Kingdom, Giese v Government of the United States of America, Government of India v Dhir
Fresh evidence: Strict limits on admitting fresh evidence on appeal, but inherent jurisdiction to admit if just.
Extradition Act 2003, section 104(4); Fenyvesi; FK v Germany
Demir's extradition refused.
Dual criminality not established; real risk of Article 3 ECHR breach due to unreliable Yalvac assurance.
Sahin's extradition refused.
Interference with Article 8 ECHR rights disproportionate to public interest in extradition.
Uckac's appeal dismissed.
No arguable grounds of appeal; no evidence of extraneous considerations or disproportionate interference with Article 8 ECHR rights.
Appeal stayed pending further assurances from Turkey.
Culpable failure to coordinate transfer to Yalvac prison; need for assurances to ensure compliance and reporting.