Key Facts
- •AXA Sun Life PLC and Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance plc (Claimants) brought corporation tax and ACT claims against HMRC (Defendants).
- •Claims were made under the CFC and Dividend Group Litigation Order (GLO) established in 2003.
- •Claims related to UK tax treatment of overseas dividends, particularly pre-2009 corporation tax and pre-1999 ACT regimes.
- •Claims relied on the extended limitation period under s32(1)(c) of the Limitation Act 1980.
- •Three preliminary issues were considered: Limitation, Set-off, and Pleading.
- •The Limitation Issue concerned the date of constructive discovery under FII SC2, considering the impact of Henderson J's 2014 order in Prudential HC.
Legal Principles
Group Litigation Orders (GLOs): Judgments on GLO issues are binding on all claims on the register unless the court orders otherwise (CPR 19.12).
CPR 19
Limitation Act 1980, s32(1)(c): Extended limitation period for claims based on mistake of law; constructive discovery date is when a worthwhile claim was discovered or could reasonably have been.
Limitation Act 1980
Restitutionary remedy for tax paid under mistake of law; FII SC2 overruled DMG regarding constructive discovery date.
No restitutionary remedy for unlawful ACT utilised against lawful MCT (Prudential SC).
Prudential SC
EU law precludes domestic legislation preventing carry-forward of unused DTR credits resulting in unjustified discriminatory treatment of foreign-sourced dividends (FII SC3, Salinen).
FII SC3, Salinen
Claim in restitution for tax paid due to inability to offset unused DTR credits; three elements: enrichment, at claimant’s expense, and unjust.
Samsoondar v Capital Insurance Co Ltd [2020] UKPC 33
Limitation Issue: Claimants' claims were not conclusively established as in time due to Prudential HC; date of constructive discovery must be determined under FII SC2.
Henderson J in Prudential HC did not determine a specific date of constructive discovery, only that the claims were in time under DMG; FII SC2 changed the law on constructive discovery.
Set-off Issue: Claimants are not entitled to restitution for unlawful ACT utilised against lawful tax.
Prudential SC overruled Sempra Metals, holding no restitutionary remedy is available for utilised ACT.
Pleading Issue: Claimants pleaded a valid claim in restitution for unlawful tax paid due to inability to offset unused DTR credits.
Pleadings sufficiently identified the elements of unjust enrichment; any lack of particularisation was subsequently cured.
Issue C(ii): Paragraph 51(6) of Schedule 18 of the Finance Act 1998 does not apply.
Claims were made before April 1, 2010.
Issue C(iii): AXAIUK is entitled to restitution for indirect double taxation on dividends, subject to time limits.
HMRC's notional reconstruction of AXAIUK's tax computation was inconsistent with FII SC3; focus should be on actual tax paid due to the mistaken belief that DTR credits could not be carried forward.