Key Facts
- •Johannes Mooij claimed he was defrauded of 20.34 Bitcoin and €330,000.
- •The fraud involved a bogus trading platform called MegaMarkets.
- •The Bitcoin was traced to a Huobi-controlled wallet.
- •The €330,000 was untraceable.
- •Defendants 5 and 6 (Binance Holdings Limited and Megamarkets Trading Limited) had discontinued the claim.
- •The remaining defendants included 'Persons Unknown' (fraudsters and beneficiaries) and entities within the Huobi ecosystem.
- •Defendants did not appear in court.
Legal Principles
Summary judgment under Part 24 of the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR).
CPR Part 24
Jurisdiction over 'persons unknown'.
Boonyaem v Persons Unknown and others [2023] EWHC 3180 (Comm), Cameron v Liverpool Victoria Insurance Co Ltd [2019] UKSC 6, Wolverhampton City Council v London Gypsies and Travellers [2023] UKSC 47
Treatment of Bitcoin as property.
Tulip Trading Ltd v Bitcoin Association for BSV [2023] EWCA Civ
Alternative service and jurisdiction.
AA v Persons Unknown [2019] EWHC (Comm) 3556
Freezing injunctions (pre- and post-judgment).
None explicitly cited, but discussed throughout the judgment.
Enforcement of judgments against 'persons unknown'.
Jones v Persons Unknown and Huobi Global Ltd [2022] 2543
Summary judgment granted against Defendants 1 and 2 ('Persons Unknown' – fraudsters and beneficiaries) for the Bitcoin and €330,000.
Unchallenged evidence of fraud; alternative service deemed effective; jurisdiction established despite lack of appearance; while enforcement might be difficult, it's not a bar to judgment.
Summary judgment granted against Defendants 4 and 7-11 (Huobi entities) for the traceable Bitcoin.
Evidence shows Bitcoin ended up in a Huobi-controlled wallet; no evidence linking them to the €330,000.
Continuation of freezing injunction against all defendants except Defendant 3 (innocent receivers).
Injunction is post-judgment; no competing claims from Defendant 3; cross-undertaking in damages not required.
Costs summarily assessed at £106,528.94.
Indemnity basis used; no reason to discount.