Caselaw Digest
Caselaw Digest

Andrew Charles Battenburg v Bruce Keith Phillips & Anor

[2024] EWHC 3444 (KB)
A man tried to sue the executors of a will for a third time over the same money. A judge said he had already lost the case twice, his attempts to sue were an abuse of the court system, and he hadn't even served the paperwork correctly. The lawsuit was thrown out.

Key Facts

  • Claimant brought proceedings against executors of Blanche Condon's estate to enforce a 2006 contract between the deceased and Claimant's mother.
  • The contract purportedly apportioned a share of the estate to the Claimant.
  • Two prior sets of litigation involving the same parties and contract had been dismissed (NSW claim by consent order, first UK claim by discontinuance).
  • Defendants argued abuse of process, res judicata, and lack of proper service.
  • Claimant argued that discontinuance did not bar a fresh claim and that jurisdictional gateways were met.

Legal Principles

Abuse of process

Inherent jurisdiction of the court

Res judicata/Issue estoppel

Henderson v Henderson [1842-60] All E.R.Rep. 378

Effect of consent orders

Ako v Rothschild Asset Management [2002] ICR 899

Service of claim form and particulars of claim

CPR 7.4(2)

Jurisdictional gateways for service out of the jurisdiction

CPR 6.36 and CPR 6 PDB (2)(a)


Claim dismissed

The claim was an abuse of process because it was an attempt to relitigate matters already dismissed by a court of competent jurisdiction in New South Wales. The Claimant was estopped from bringing the claim. Further, the claim form and particulars of claim were not properly served on the Defendants.

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