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Catherine Gedman v Chief Constable of Cheshire Constabulary & Anor

[2023] EWHC 723 (KB)
Catherine's house was searched by the police. She tried to get her stuff back and see the warrant paperwork through the High Court, but the judge said she had to go to the Magistrates' Court instead, as they are already dealing with it. The police are allowed to keep her things for now.

Key Facts

  • Catherine Gedman (Claimant) applied for injunctions and disclosure of a warrant following a police raid on December 12, 2022.
  • Property was seized, and Gedman remains on police bail.
  • Two applications were made: one seeking injunctions (return of property, preservation of footage, removal of bail conditions), and another seeking pre-action disclosure of the warrant and supporting evidence.
  • Almost identical proceedings were struck out in Bristol as an abuse of process.

Legal Principles

Power to grant injunctions

Senior Courts Act 1981, s.37(1); CPR 25

Four-stage test for interim injunctions (American Cyanamid)

American Cyanamid v Ethicon [1975] 1 All E.R. 504

Presumed legality of warrants; quashing in judicial review as a pre-condition to civil action

Constables Protection Act 1750, s.6; Moucher v Chief Constable of South Wales Police [2016] EWHC 1367; R (Chaudhary) v Bristol Crown Court [2014] EWHC 4096 (Admin)

Police powers of seizure and retention of property

Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, ss.19, 22

Pre-action disclosure

Senior Courts Act 1981, s.33(2); CPR 31.16

Request for information from Magistrates Court

Criminal Procedure Rule 5.9, 5.10


Application for mandatory injunction for return of seized items dismissed.

Quashing of warrant in judicial review is a pre-condition; police power to retain property under s.22 PACE is being lawfully followed.

Application for prohibitory injunction for preservation of body-worn video footage dismissed.

Chief Constable has a duty to retain footage under CPR PD 31B; order unnecessary.

Application for mandatory injunction for removal of bail conditions not pursued by Claimant.

Claimant has the right to apply to the magistrates' court.

Application for pre-action disclosure struck out.

Wrong forum; application not made under s.33(2) SCA 1981; not supported by evidence as required by CPR 31.16(2); Magistrates' Court is the correct forum under Criminal Procedure Rules; procedure already in hand.

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