Caselaw Digest
Caselaw Digest

JRV & Anor v BRG

[2023] EWHC 2238 (KB)
A woman shared details of her affair with a married man online, causing him and his wife distress. A judge ordered the woman to stop sharing private information about them online for a short period to give them time to resolve the situation in court.

Key Facts

  • JRV (Claimant 1) had an affair with BRG (Defendant).
  • BRG subsequently published details of the affair online, including JRV's identifying information.
  • BRG allegedly blackmailed JRV, threatened violence, and made false police reports.
  • Claimants sought an injunction to prevent further publication and contact.

Legal Principles

Power to grant interim injunctions

Senior Courts Act 1981, s.37

Equitable principles governing injunctions

Spry on Equitable Remedies 9th Ed (2014)

American Cyanamid principles for interlocutory injunctions

American Cyanamid v Ethicon [1975] A.C. 396

Principles for injunctions relating to restraint of publication

Human Rights Act 1998, s.12; European Convention on Human Rights, Articles 8 and 10

Balancing test for privacy and freedom of expression

Re S (a child) [2004] UKHL 47

Public interest in disclosure of private sexual encounters

PJS v News Group [2016] UKSC 26

Repeated publication of private information

Douglas v Hello! Ltd (No 3) [2006] QB 125


Granted ex-parte interim injunction

Claimants likely to establish harassment, intrusion, and blackmail; damages inadequate; balance of convenience favors Claimants.

Anonymity granted to Claimants

Protects Claimants' privacy and prevents the hearing from undermining the injunction.

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