Amir Khodaparast v Peter Mark Arnstein
[2023] EWHC 1782 (KB)
An appeal is a review, not a retrial. New evidence cannot generally be introduced on appeal.
Case law precedent (implied)
The court's power on appeal is limited to the matters for which permission to appeal was granted.
Pepperall J's order granting leave to appeal
The judge's decision will not be overturned unless there is an error of principle or arithmetic error.
Case law precedent (implied)
Mr. Jones' appeal was dismissed.
The judge found no error of principle or arithmetic in Professor Barnes' report or her conclusions. The court's remit was limited to specific points, and Mr. Jones failed to demonstrate error on those points.
Ms. Hagger's cross-appeal regarding costs was dismissed.
Given the outcome of the main appeal, the judge's costs order was deemed appropriate.