Caselaw Digest
Caselaw Digest

Chris Dodd & Anor Trading as Seaside Shuttlebus

[2022] UKUT 323 (AAC)
Someone's bus licence was taken away. They appealed, and because some important papers were missing, the decision was reversed and they get another chance to prove they should keep their licence.

Key Facts

  • Appeal against revocation of operating licence by Traffic Commissioner for the South East & Metropolitan Traffic Area.
  • Licence revocation decision dated 3rd September 2021.
  • Appeal received by Tribunal on 8th October 2021.
  • Missing documents in appeal bundle led to Traffic Commissioner reviewing the file and granting a stay of revocation.
  • Traffic Commissioner invited the Tribunal to allow the appeal and remit for redetermination.

Legal Principles


Appeal allowed.

The Tribunal accepted the Traffic Commissioner's invitation to allow the appeal due to missing documents in the original appeal bundle requiring a redetermination.

Matter remitted for redetermination on all issues.

The Tribunal deemed redetermination on all issues to be the appropriate course of action given the circumstances.

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