Caselaw Digest
Caselaw Digest

Tawakal Foods Limited

[2023] UKUT 230 (AAC)
A food company's truck licence was revoked because they didn't follow the rules. They didn't keep good records, and used a place to park their trucks that wasn't allowed. They didn't show up to court to explain, so the judge upheld the revocation.

Key Facts

  • Tawakal Foods Limited's restricted operator's licence was revoked by the Traffic Commissioner for the South Eastern and Metropolitan Traffic Area.
  • The revocation was based on findings under sections 26(1)(a)(e)(f)(h) of the Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995.
  • The key issues were operating from an unauthorised operating centre and a lack of systems, record-keeping, and inspection.
  • The operator failed to attend the appeal hearing.
  • The operator claimed to have made an application to change their operating centre in 2020, but insufficient evidence supported this claim.
  • The operator's record-keeping and compliance were deemed unsatisfactory in a desk-based assessment.

Legal Principles

Grounds for revocation of an operator's licence

Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995, section 26(1)

Proportionality of licence revocation

Priority Freight [2009] UKUT 225 (AAC)

Consideration of subsequent improvements

Transport Act 1985, Schedule 4, paragraph 17(3)


Appeal dismissed

Insufficient evidence to support the appeal; the Traffic Commissioner's decision was justified.

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