Caselaw Digest
Caselaw Digest

Paolo Clemente v Mindmere Limited

[2024] UKUT 50 (LC)
A landlord sued a tenant for unpaid rent in a regular court. The tenant argued that this action meant the landlord gave up their right to evict the tenant for non-payment. The judge disagreed. The landlord could still evict because their actions in court were not an admission that the tenant could stay.

Key Facts

  • Appeal against a First-tier Tribunal (FTT) decision regarding administration charges of £15,363.
  • Appellant (tenant) disputed the reasonableness and payability of service charges.
  • Landlord (respondent) initially pursued a money judgment in County Court for unpaid service charges.
  • The FTT found the service charges reasonable and payable, and also that the £15,363 in legal costs were reasonable and payable as an administration charge under the lease.
  • Appellant argued that the landlord's pursuit of a money judgment waived the right to forfeit the lease for non-payment.

Legal Principles

Waiver of the right to forfeit a lease occurs when a landlord takes action incompatible with forfeiture.

Case law and established legal principle

Under Section 81 of the Housing Act 1996, a landlord cannot forfeit a lease for unpaid service charges without a prior determination of payability by a court or tribunal.

Section 81, Housing Act 1996

A landlord can seek a money judgment in County Court for service charges as a means of obtaining the necessary determination under Section 81.

Cussens v Realreed Limited [2013] EWHC 1229 and London Borough of Tower Hamlets v Khan [2022] EWCA Civ 831

An action for damages for breach of covenant does not automatically waive the right to forfeit.

Cussens v Realreed Limited [2013] EWHC 1229

The act constituting waiver must amount to a recognition of the continued existence of the tenancy.

Woodfall, Landlord and Tenant, paragraph 17.097


Appeal dismissed.

Pursuing a money judgment for service charges does not waive the right to forfeit for non-payment. The landlord's actions were not incompatible with maintaining the right to forfeit.

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