R v Faisel Khalil
[2024] EWCA Crim 810
Mandatory minimum sentence of five years for possessing prohibited firearms unless exceptional circumstances are shown.
Sentencing Council Guidelines
Judges must give reasons for sentences, particularly when exceptional circumstances are found and the statutory minimum is avoided.
Section 52(2) of the Sentencing Code 2020 and Otero [2023] EWCA Crim 981
Paragraph 14 of the Sentencing Council Guideline is discretionary, not mandatory. It suggests using Table 2's sentencing range when exceptional circumstances are found but doesn't require it. The judge must provide reasons for their approach.
Sentencing Council Guideline paragraph 14, Otero [2023] EWCA Crim 981
Appeal dismissed.
The Court of Appeal found the judge's application of the sentencing guidelines and reasons for not suspending the sentence were justified. While acknowledging the difficult circumstances, the seriousness of the offence and the potential danger warranted the sentence.
Leave to appeal granted, but appeal ultimately dismissed.
The court found the judge permissibly considered the dangerousness of the weapons and the heightened culpability when choosing not to apply Table 2's sentencing range, and the two-year sentence wasn't manifestly excessive or wrong in principle. The judge provided sufficient reasons for not suspending the sentence.