O v P & Anor
[2024] EWHC 1077 (Fam)
Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA 2005): Principles of capacity, including presumption of capacity, need to help a person make a decision, and the fact that an unwise decision does not mean lack of capacity.
Mental Capacity Act 2005
MCA 2005: Capacity is decision-specific and time-specific. The 'matter' must be clearly defined, and the assessment must be proximate to the time of the decision.
A Local Authority v JB [2022] AC 1322; PC v City of York Council [2014] 2 WLR 1
MCA 2005: Burden of proof lies on the person asserting lack of capacity (balance of probabilities).
Mental Capacity Act 2005 s. 2(4); KK v STC and Others [2012] EWHC 2136 (COP)
Family Law Reform Act 1969: Minors over 16 can consent to medical treatment; this is legal capacity, distinct from mental capacity under MCA 2005.
Family Law Reform Act 1969, s.8; NHS Trust v X [2021] EWHC 65 (Fam)
MCA 2005: Court can make interim orders if there's reason to believe a person lacks capacity and it's in their best interests.
Mental Capacity Act 2005, s.48; DP v LB Hillingdon [202] EWCOP
Court of Protection Rules 2017: Expert evidence should be restricted to what's necessary.
Court of Protection Rules 2017, Rule 15.3
Parents' applications under MCA 2005 and for expert assessment of EE's capacity are refused.
Insufficiently defined 'matter' for capacity assessment; no scheduled gender-affirming treatment; lack of evidence to rebut the presumption of capacity; parents' evidence deemed insufficient and potentially biased.
Parents' application for appointment as welfare deputies refused.
In light of the refusal of the other applications.
Parents' applications under the inherent jurisdiction are refused.
Inherent jurisdiction ends in September 2023; disproportionate to grant relief given the circumstances.
[2024] EWHC 1077 (Fam)
[2023] EWCA Civ 1241
[2024] EWHC 1936 (Admin)
[2024] EWHC 922 (Fam)
[2023] EWHC 347 (Fam)