Key Facts
- •16-year-old Q (born female, identifies as male) seeks gender-affirming treatment.
- •Parents are divorced and have opposing views on Q's treatment.
- •Mother applied for a prohibited steps order to prevent private treatment.
- •Father supports Q's desire for treatment.
- •First private gender clinic in the UK (Gender Plus) gained CQC registration.
- •Cass Review findings raise concerns about evidence base for gender-affirming treatment in minors.
- •Q is over 16 and has capacity to consent to treatment under section 8 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969.
Legal Principles
A minor who has attained the age of 16 can consent to medical treatment.
Section 8(1), Family Law Reform Act 1969
Parental right to determine medical treatment for a minor under 16 terminates if the child has sufficient understanding and intelligence to consent.
Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority [1986] AC 112
Concurrent powers to consent to medical treatment can exist (parent and child).
Re R (A Minor)(Wardship: Consent to Treatment) [1992] Fam 11
Court retains welfare jurisdiction to override a child's decision on medical treatment, but this is not absolute and primarily applies to life-saving treatment refusal.
Re W (A Minor)(Medical Treatment: Court’s Jurisdiction) [1993] 1 FLR 1; Re X (A Child)(No 2) [2021] 2 FLR 1187
It is for doctors, not judges, to decide on the capacity of a person under 16 to consent to medical treatment.
Bell v Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust and others [2021] EWCA Civ 1363
Courts should be reluctant to address ethical questions unless necessary to resolve a practical problem.
R (Burke) v General Medical Council [2005] EWCA Civ 1003
Parents can consent to puberty blockers on behalf of their child without court approval.
AB v CD [2021] EWHC 741
For consent to be valid, it must be informed.
Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] UKSC 11
Discharge interim orders and end proceedings.
Q, being 16 and possessing capacity, has the right to consent to treatment; the court finds no basis to override this. Continuing proceedings would be detrimental to Q's well-being.
Refusal to make a declaration that private prescribing of puberty blockers or hormones to under-18s requires court oversight.
This is a matter for medical professionals, regulators, and government, not the courts.
Father to give an undertaking not to facilitate Q seeking treatment from offshore agencies.
To ensure Q's safety and well-being.