Claudio Costagliola Di Fiore & Anor v Introhive UK Limited
[2023] EAT 139
Appeals from the Registrar's refusal to extend time require a fresh decision by the EAT Judge on whether to extend time, not a review of the Registrar's decision.
Muschett v London Borough of Hounslow [2009] ICR 424
To extend time, the EAT considers: (1) explanation for default; (2) whether it's a good explanation; (3) whether exceptional circumstances justify extension.
United Arab Emirates v Abdelghafar and anor [1995] ICR 65; Aziz v Bethnal Green City Challenge Co Ltd [2000] IRLR 111 CA
Explanation must cover the entire period of delay.
Muschett paragraph 5(vi)
Ignorance of time limits is no excuse, even for unrepresented parties.
Abdelghafar at p 71C-D
Extensions are granted only in rare and exceptional cases; compliance with time limits is fundamental.
Griffiths and Griffiths v Cetin UKEATPA/1150/19 and UKEATPA/1151/19
Merits of the underlying appeal are rarely relevant to extending time.
Griffiths and Griffiths v Cetin UKEATPA/1150/19 and UKEATPA/1151/19
EAT refused the application to extend time.
Appellant provided no good explanation for the 412-day delay. The delay was not excused by lack of documents or misunderstanding of the ET's letter. The merits of the underlying claim were not relevant.
Appeal dismissed.
The application to extend time having been refused, the appeal was dismissed.