Caselaw Digest
Caselaw Digest

A Wife v A Husband

[2023] EWFC 200 (B)
After a very long and expensive divorce, the judge gave the wife £700,000 for a house. He considered an agreement they made before, but because of the huge legal battle and because they had a child, he changed it a bit. The wife also owed money, but the judge said it wasn't necessary to take it from her yet.

Key Facts

  • Divorce proceedings between a wife (applicant) and husband (respondent) spanning seven years.
  • Jurisdictional dispute between Italy and England and Wales.
  • Significant legal costs incurred by both parties (estimated at over £1.5m).
  • Existence of a nuptial agreement from 2008.
  • Respondent inherited assets in 2008 and later.
  • Applicant owes respondent approximately £350,000 due to an Italian court judgment.
  • Former matrimonial home (FMH) sold, proceeds largely spent on legal fees.
  • Applicant's recent employment in Italy raises questions about her housing needs.
  • Applicant claims housing need in London, respondent disputes this.

Legal Principles

Fair outcome; consideration of sharing and needs principles under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 (MCA).

MCA Section 25

Clean break; termination of financial dependence.

MCA Section 25A

Nuptial agreements; upholding agreements unless unfair.

Radmacher v Granatino [2010] UKSC 42


Applicant awarded £700,000 lump sum for housing in Brentford.

Balances fairness with respect for nuptial agreement; considers impact of litigation and supervening events (child's birth). Considers applicant's needs and respondent's resources.

Italian debt of £350,000 not enforced; deferred payment contingent on cooperation in Italy.

To avoid jeopardizing child's housing; Court retains enforcement jurisdiction.

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