Francis Manuel Kwofie v The Information Commissioner & Anor
[2024] UKFTT 756 (GRC)
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) – Section 1(1)(b): Right to access information unless exempt.
FOIA – Section 31(1)(a): Information exempt if disclosure would prejudice the prevention or detection of crime.
FOIA – Section 58: Tribunal's role in appeals is to consider if the Commissioner's decision was in accordance with the law.
Hogan v Information Commissioner [2011] 1 Info LR 588 and Department for Work and Pensions v Information Commissioner [2017] 1 WLR 1: Three-stage test for prejudice-based exemptions (identifying interests, considering nature and likelihood of prejudice).
Case Law
Appeal dismissed.
The Tribunal found that disclosure of some information would prejudice crime prevention, and for some, there was a real and significant risk of prejudice. The public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosure due to the serious nature of the potential prejudice in the context of Northern Ireland's security situation.
[2024] UKFTT 756 (GRC)
[2024] UKFTT 329 (GRC)
[2024] UKFTT 719 (GRC)
[2023] UKFTT 1021 (GRC)
[2023] UKFTT 900 (GRC)