Stephen Masterman v The Information Commissioner
[2024] UKFTT 289 (GRC)
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) - Section 1(1): Right to information.
FOIA Section 1(1)
FOIA - Section 2(2): Public interest test - exemption outweighs disclosure.
FOIA Section 2(2)
FOIA - Section 31(1)(a): Exemption for information prejudicing crime prevention.
FOIA Section 31(1)(a)
Hogan test: Three steps for assessing prejudice under section 31(1)(a).
Hogan and Oxford City Council v the Information Commissioner
Public interest must be assessed at the time of the initial decision and is specific to the exemption.
Montague v Information Commissioner
FOIA disclosure is to the public, not just the applicant.
Tribunal's powers under FOIA Section 58: Review of the lawfulness of the decision, not the decision-making process.
FOIA Section 58
Appeal dismissed.
The FTT found that section 31(1)(a) was engaged; disclosure would likely prejudice crime prevention. The public interest in preventing crime outweighed the limited public interest in transparency and bringing empty properties back into use.
[2024] UKFTT 289 (GRC)
[2023] UKFTT 986 (GRC)
[2023] UKFTT 887 (GRC)
[2024] UKFTT 711 (GRC)
[2023] UKFTT 952 (GRC)