Caselaw Digest
Caselaw Digest

P v F

[2023] EWHC 2730 (Fam)
A dad wasn't allowed to see his kids because a judge made a quick decision without properly listening to him. The judge's decision was overturned, and the case will be heard again by a different judge so the dad can have a fair chance to explain his side of the story.

Key Facts

  • Appeal by father (P) against a child arrangements order made at a Dispute Resolution Hearing (DRH) granting only indirect contact and a 2-year prohibition on further applications (s.91(14) Children Act 1989).
  • Order made on March 21, 2023, by HHJ Tolson KC.
  • Permission to appeal granted out of time by the President of the Family Division on grounds of procedural unfairness and breach of Article 6 ECHR.
  • Father represented himself; mother (F) did not appear.
  • Twins (L and C, aged 11) live with mother and her partner.
  • Third set of proceedings between parents.
  • Cafcass report recommended no direct contact due to father's behavior, including allegations of abuse and threats, and children's wishes.
  • Father disputed Cafcass report and allegations.
  • Judge made final order at DRH despite father's lack of consent and challenge to the report.

Legal Principles

Dispute Resolution Appointment (DRA) should not be used as a final hearing if a party does not consent and disputes key evidence.

FPR Practice Direction 12B, paragraph 19

Article 6 ECHR: Right to a fair trial, including the right to present evidence and make submissions.

European Convention on Human Rights, Article 6

Article 8 ECHR: Right to respect for private and family life; decision-making process must be fair.

European Convention on Human Rights, Article 8

Section 91(14) Children Act 1989: Court may prohibit further applications; procedural fairness required, especially for litigants in person.

Children Act 1989, section 91(14); FPR PD12B and PD12Q; Re C [2009] 2 FLR 1461; Re A [2021] EWCA Civ 1749


Appeal allowed.

Judge erred in making a final Child Arrangements Order at the DRH without the father's consent and in breach of his Article 6 and 8 ECHR rights. The s.91(14) order was also made without following proper procedure.

Matter remitted to a different Circuit Judge for a hearing.

To ensure a fair hearing compliant with the legal principles outlined.

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