Rajarajan Narayanasamy Naidu & Anor v Valerie Morton & Ors
[2023] UKUT 185 (LC)
Section 84(1) of the Law of Property Act 1925 allows modification of restrictive covenants under certain conditions.
Law of Property Act 1925, s.84(1)
Under s.84(1)(aa), a restriction can be modified if its continued existence impedes reasonable use and secures no substantial benefits.
Law of Property Act 1925, s.84(1)(aa), (1A), (1B)
The Tribunal considers the development plan, planning permission patterns, the restriction's creation context, and other material circumstances (s.84(1B)).
Law of Property Act 1925, s.84(1B)
The Tribunal considers whether modification would injure those entitled to the benefit of the restriction (s.84(1)(c)).
Law of Property Act 1925, s.84(1)(c)
Relevant case law on “thin end of the wedge” arguments and the importance of upholding contracts and property rights was considered.
Shephard v Turner [2006] EWCA Civ 8, Alexander Devine Children's Cancer Trust v Millgate Developments Ltd & Anor [2018] EWCA Civ 2679, George Wimpey Bristol Limited and Gloucestershire Housing Association Limited [2011] UKUT 91 (LC), Alexander Devine Children's Cancer Trust v Housing Solutions Ltd [2020] UKSC 45
Application dismissed.
The Tribunal found the covenant's continued existence did secure substantial benefits to objectors by preserving the residential character of the estate and preventing potential amenity issues from increased commercial activity. The applicants' breach of the covenant before applying for modification was also a factor, though not the sole reason for dismissal.
[2023] UKUT 185 (LC)
[2023] UKUT 251 (LC)
[2022] UKUT 294 (LC)
[2024] UKUT 164 (LC)
[2023] UKUT 262 (LC)