Key Facts
- •Application to modify restrictive covenants at 44 Knights Hill, Aldridge, Walsall preventing business use and limiting use to a private dwellinghouse.
- •Applicants wish to operate an Ofsted-registered childminding business (up to six children).
- •No admitted objectors to the application.
- •Covenants date back to 1937 and 1965.
- •Applicants did not seek planning permission, believing it unnecessary for up to six children.
- •Tribunal conducted a site inspection.
Legal Principles
Tribunal can modify restrictive covenants under Section 84(1) of the Law of Property Act 1925 if continued existence impedes reasonable use of land for public or private purposes (ground (aa)) or if modification won't injure those entitled to the benefit (ground (c)).
Law of Property Act 1925, Section 84(1)
Under ground (aa), the Tribunal must consider whether the restriction secures no practical benefits of substantial value or advantage, or is contrary to the public interest.
Law of Property Act 1925, Section 84(1A)
When considering modification under section 84(1), the Tribunal must consider the development plan, planning permission patterns, the context and period of restriction creation, and other material circumstances.
Law of Property Act 1925, Section 84(1B)
Application granted. Restrictive covenants modified to permit an Ofsted-registered childminding business.
The Tribunal found the proposed use reasonable, considering the limited number of children, staggered drop-off/pick-up times, and the minimal impact on neighbours. The existing covenants impede this reasonable use.