Court Decides Child's Best Interests in 'A Father v Middlesbrough Council & Ors: 2024' Case

Citation: [2024] EWFC 15
Judgment on


The case of ‘A Father v Middlesbrough Council & Ors: 2024’ ([2024] EWFC 15) encapsulates various fundamental legal principles relating to child welfare and family law. The court’s decision underscores the paramountcy of the child’s best interests, the necessity of removing a child from their family only as a last resort, and the careful scrutiny required when considering the placement of a child under a care order.

Key Facts

In this case, the child V, aged five, has been the subject of three sets of public law proceedings and notable care by her paternal grandparents after a traumatic history with her parents. The Middlesbrough Council had sought approval for V’s placement in long-term foster care following negative assessments of the grandparents’ ability to meet V’s complex needs, which include managing her obesity, emotional and educational development, and social interaction. The father, mother, paternal grandparents, and V’s paternal step-aunt (Z) each presented arguments regarding V’s care and permanency plan, ultimately leading to a contested hearing about her future arrangements.

The court applied several legal principles in reaching its decision:

  1. Best Interests of the Child: As per s1(1) of the Children Act 1989, the child’s welfare is the court’s paramount consideration. The judge meticulously reviewed V’s characteristics, relationships, and needs to ascertain what would serve her best interests.

  2. Necessity Principle: In line with the judgments in Re B ([2013] UKSC 33) and Re B-S ([2013] EWCA Civ 1146), Mr Justice Poole determined that a child should only be removed from family care as a last resort, reinforcing the high threshold required to justify such a significant intervention in family life.

  3. Proportionality and Rights under Article 8: By applying Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (right to respect for private and family life), the court assessed whether the interference with the family unit was proportionate to the risk presented to the child’s welfare.

  4. Welfare Checklist: Using the welfare checklist from s1(3) of the Children Act 1989, the judgment encompasses considerations of the child’s wishes, emotional needs, likely effect of any change in circumstances, and harm the child has suffered or is at risk of suffering.

  5. Evidence and Credibility: Comprehensive review and critical analysis of the evidence presented, including the social worker’s reports, independent social worker assessments, statements from the child’s school, and medical reports, to reach an informed decision on the credibility of claims and assessments.


The court was persuaded that despite the grandparents’ love and affection for V, their care fell short of meeting her complex welfare needs, as evidenced by the lack of improvement in her health and developmental milestones. The judge concluded that V’s best interests lay in an immediate transfer to a long-term foster care placement, deeming it necessary for her welfare and development.

Additionally, a structured plan for V’s ongoing contact with her family was established, recognizing the importance of maintaining familial bonds while safeguarding her new care arrangement’s success.


In ‘A Father v Middlesbrough Council & Ors: 2024’, the court’s judgment articulates the delicate balance between a child’s need for a secure family environment and the imperative to protect their welfare when they are at risk of harm. The careful application of the legal principles highlights the judiciary’s cautious approach in securing a child’s welfare against the backdrop of complex familial relations and care needs. Mr Justice Poole’s judgment affirms the necessity for courts to intervene decisively, yet sensitively, in matters where a family’s ability to care for a child is in doubt, ensuring always that the child’s best interests remain the primary consideration.