Tribunal Upholds Penalty Notice in Stamford Geomatics Ltd v The Pensions Regulator, Reinforcing Employer Obligations Under Pensions Act 2008

Citation: [2024] UKFTT 65 (GRC)
Judgment on


In the matter of Stamford Geomatics Limited v The Pensions Regulator ([2024] UKFTT 65 (GRC)), the First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) deliberated on the appropriate enforcement of a Fixed Penalty Notice issued for non-compliance with pension contributions as stipulated under the Pensions Act 2008. The case underscores the obligations of employers concerning workplace pensions and the consequent regulatory enforcement measures.

Key Facts

Stamford Geomatics Ltd (“the Employer”) appealed against a Fixed Penalty Notice imposed by the Pensions Regulator due to a failure to adhere to an Unpaid Contributions Notice. Compliance was subsequently achieved, albeit following the issuance of the Penalty Notice and subsequent reminders. The Tribunal’s review was prompted by the Employer’s claim of financial difficulties forcing a choice between paying wages and pension contributions. The Regulator maintained compliance was achieved only after multiple enforcements and highlighted the absence of any supportive evidence regarding the claimed financial challenges.

The case revolves around the application of Sections 40(1) and 44 of the Pensions Act 2008, which govern the enforcement of pension contributions and the protocol for challenging a Fixed Penalty Notice, respectively. The Employer bears the burden of proof in submitting an appeal to the Tribunal. The Tribunal’s purview is to independently evaluate the appropriateness of the Regulator’s action based on the evidence presented.

The legal principle of employer obligations under occupational or workplace personal pension schemes is central to the case. The Regulator’s authority to issue Unpaid Contributions Notices followed by Fixed Penalty Notices for non-compliance is established under the Act. Mitigating circumstances such as financial difficulty require substantiating evidence; otherwise, they are not sufficient to overturn a Penalty Notice.


The Tribunal, led by Judge Alison McKenna, determined the Employer’s referenced financial difficulties were unsupported by evidence, thereby not constituting a reasonable excuse for non-compliance. The decision was made to dismiss the reference and remit the matter to the Regulator, confirming the Fixed Penalty Notice.


In the absence of compelling evidence to substantiate the Employer’s claims, the Tribunal upheld the Pensions Regulator’s imposition of a Fixed Penalty Notice. The case reaffirms the strict onus on employers to comply with the Pensions Act 2008 and the evidentiary standards appellants must meet when presenting mitigating factors. It serves as a sharp reminder to legal professionals of the imperative for substantiative documentation when challenging regulatory penalties within the realm of workplace pension obligations.