High Court Clarifies Enforcement of Confiscation Orders in Butler v Leeds Magistrates' Court Case

Citation: [2023] EWHC 3420 (Admin)
Judgment on


The High Court judgment in the case of Butler, R (on the application of) v Leeds Magistrates’ Court addresses key legal principles concerning the enforcement of confiscation orders under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA 2002) and the responsibilities of the Magistrates’ Court during enforcement proceedings. This case analysis will explore the judgment delivered by Richard Wright KC, focusing on the grounds for judicial review, the statutory framework, and the court’s application of the relevant legal principles.

Key Facts

The case revolves around a judicial review claim brought by Butler against Leeds Magistrates’ Court which declined his request to adjourn a POCA 2002 enforcement hearing. As a result, the Magistrates’ Court proceeded to commit Butler to custody for 2,317 days due to non-payment of a confiscation order. Key to the claim was the assertion that the Magistrates’ Court failed to apply section 82(4) of the Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980 properly. The grounds discussed in the claim pertained to the refusal of an adjournment and whether the Magistrates’ Court had the legal basis for committing Butler to prison without a proper application of the law.

Several legal principles are crucial in this case:

  1. The Finality of Confiscation Orders: Confiscation orders made by the Crown Court under POCA 2002 are final. The Magistrates’ Court is required to enforce such orders without the power to amend or go behind the Crown Court’s determination that sufficient assets were available at the time the order was made (R v Harrow Justices, ex parte DPP).

  2. Separation of Functions in POCA 2002: The Crown Court is responsible for making confiscation orders, while the Magistrates’ Court is tasked with enforcement. This separation is explicitly outlined in the statute and does not allow the Magistrates’ Court to question the legitimacy of the Crown Court’s order during enforcement proceedings.

  3. Application of Section 82(4) of the Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980: This section outlines the scenarios where the Magistrates’ Court may commit an individual to custody for non-payment. It requires the court to ensure that non-payment is due to the offender’s “wilful refusal or culpable neglect” and to consider other methods of payment before committal (R v Hastings and Rother Justices, ex parte Anscombe).

  4. The Exclusive Jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal: If there is a claim that a confiscation order was made erroneously, the Court of Appeal Criminal Division has the exclusive jurisdiction to hear appeals. This underscores the principle that any challenge to the validity of the order is not within the remit of the Magistrates’ Court during enforcement proceedings.


The High Court found in favor of Leeds Magistrates’ Court, dismissing the claim for judicial review. The Court clarified that the Magistrates’ Court acted within its lawful right by enforcing the confiscation order and by refusing to go behind the Crown Court’s determination of the claimant’s assets. The High Court also held that the Magistrates’ Court appropriately considered the requirements of section 82(4) and that no evidence was presented of any “wilful refusal or culpable neglect” by the claimant to pay other than the contention that the confiscation order was incorrect.


The High Court judgment in Butler, R (on the application of) v Leeds Magistrates’ Court reaffirms the separate and distinct roles of the Crown Court in making confiscation orders and the Magistrates’ Court in enforcing them under the POCA 2002 regime. The Magistrates’ Court is bound by the findings of the Crown Court on the existence of sufficient assets to satisfy the order and is not to reassess or question the order’s legitimacy. Furthermore, section 82(4) of the Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980 is clarified to require that before committing an individual to custody, the Court needs to be satisfied of wilful refusal or culpable neglect in non-payment, and all other enforcement options have to have been considered. The case also emphasizes the exclusive role of the Court of Appeal in addressing claims that a confiscation order was wrongly made.