Administrative Court Upholds Prisoner's Rights: Refusal of IVF Treatment Deemed Rational

Citation: [2023] EWHC 2715 (Admin)
Judgment on


In the case of Danny Walker, R (on the application of) v Secretary Of State for Justice, the Administrative Court at the High Court of Justice addressed several core legal principles, which revolve around the intersection of prisoners’ rights, judicial review, and the application of human rights law within the context of the UK legal system. This article examines the decision handed down by Mr. Justice Julian Knowles, wherein the claimant, a serving prisoner, Dani Walker, sought judicial review of the Secretary of State’s decision to refuse him access to IVF fertility treatment.

Key Facts

Danny Walker, a serving prisoner convicted of serious violent and firearm offences, applied for access to IVF treatment alongside his partner, who had fertility issues. The application fell under the HM Prison and Probation Service’s policy for prisoner access to fertility treatment, which outlines specific criteria, including the unlikely natural conception upon release and satisfactory arrangements for the welfare of the potential child. The claim invoked Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR), asserting a right to respect for private and family life. The Secretary of State for Justice refused the application, prompting the judicial review.

Article 8 ECHR and Prisoners’ Rights

The court acknowledged that the right to conceive a child and access fertility treatment falls within Article 8(1) of the ECHR, therefore engaging the claimant’s right to family life. An interference with Article 8 rights must be in accordance with the law, pursue a legitimate aim under Article 8(2) (such as public safety or the rights of others), and be necessary in a democratic society.

Rational Decision-Making and Public Confidence

The court evaluated whether the decision was rational, that is, if the reasoning was based on suitable evidence. Specific considerations included the viability of egg freezing as an alternative to IVF, the accommodation upon the prisoner’s release, and the risk to a potential child’s welfare due to the claimant’s violent past.

The principle of maintaining public confidence in the justice system also played a crucial role in assessing the rationality of the decision, with the court considering whether allowing access to IVF for a serving prisoner with a serious conviction might undermine that confidence.

Procedural Fairness and the Tameside Duty

The claim alleged procedural unfairness and a breach of the ‘Tameside duty’ of reasonable inquiry. The court examined if the defendant had relied on matters not raised during the decision-making process and whether the claimant had a fair opportunity to address these concerns.

Proportionality of the Interference

Lastly, the court assessed whether the interference with the claimant’s Article 8 rights, resulting from the refusal of IVF treatment, was proportionate. This included looking at alternative methods for conception and considering the potential harm to the child and public interest.


The court found no arguable grounds to challenge the Secretary of State’s decision on any of the three bases proposed: irrationality, procedural unfairness, and breach of Article 8 ECHR rights. The decision to refuse IVF treatment was deemed rational, the procedure fair, and the interference with the prisoner’s Article 8 rights was considered a proportionate response given the context of the claimant’s imprisonment and the potential impact on public confidence.


The judgment reinforces the principle that prisoners’ rights, while protected under the ECHR, are subject to limitations and must be balanced against public interests and safety. It also underscores the necessary deference afforded to the executive in areas of decision-making involving social and economic policy. Importally, the court’s analysis reflects a methodical balancing act between individual human rights and broader societal considerations, upholding the notion that incarceration inherently limits certain liberties, including those related to family life.